Michael Jackson "Will You Be There" from "Free Willy"
Thank you Michael for all that you gave, for who you are, for staying true to your mission and purpose. I am so sorry for all that you had to go through in this life. It wasn't fair and it wasn't kind. But you stood and stayed strong and stayed true to your purpose with dignity and humility.
Thank you for all of the love you shown to the world and for reminding us that it is possible to love and to care and to make a difference by using our God-given abilities and also reminding us to rely on God no matter what we go through. This website and all of the work that went into it, is in honor of, and celebration of, you.
Rest in peace Michael, for this isn't the final curtain call. We will see you again. Until then, lots of love from all of us who saw your heart and your spirit and all of the beauty that was there, and were truly inspired....family, friends, and fans.
Love You More....
When weary tell me you will hold me?
When wrong will you mold me?
When lost will you find me?
But they told me a man should be faithful,
And walk when not able
And fight till the end
But I'm only human....
Everyone's trying to control me
Seems that the world's got a role for me
I'm so confused
Will you show to me
You'll be there for me
And care enough to bear me?
Lyrics to "Will You Be There"
In our darkest hour, in my deepest despair
Will you still care? Will you be there?
In my trials and my tribulations
Through our doubts and frustrations
In my violence, in my turbulence
Through my fear and my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
and the promise of another tomorrow
I'll never let you part....
For you are always, in my heart
Michael's spoken lyrics at the end of "Will You Be There"
Goodbye for now, Michael. We will see you again.
Reflections On The Dance
Michael Joseph Jackson Remembered
A celebration of love, spirit, truth & faith. Celebrating his life, his legacy, and his humanity
"Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation."
Michael Jackson

While working on this project, I have in some ways lived and breathed "Michael Jackson" nearly 24 hours a day. It's part of my creative process. When I work on any project, I have to become consumed with it, I have to feel what they feel, immerse myself, in order to understand it and in order to be able to put forward the finished product.
During this process, I laughed, I pondered and I shed some tears. I sobbed at times. I had to ask....why?
Why did it appear his life was so successful and yet many times, also so painful and lonely? How did one person handle all of that craziness? Immersing myself in the thought of it was enough to cause me great pain.
Why isn't it okay for a man (or a woman for that matter), a human being, to love and care about children and for that person to have a child-like wonderment about him? Couldn't we all use a little more of that? Why does that scare us so much?
Why do we immediately want to label or brand someone we don't know as strange, odd, eccentric? Why don't we care that, when we do that, we hurt the very person we're labeling?
Why don't we get to know others and look beyond the exterior, but instead criticize, tear down, ridicule and humiliate? Why can't we try to put ourselves in someone else's shoes and even for just a moment, try to understand that person better and understand where they're coming from?
Why is human nature such that we strive to tear apart those who give and sacrifice the very most?
Some Closing Thoughts
A beautiful tribute video from EmilyLovesOrangeSoda on YouTube
How he would like to be remembered:
"As a person who came and brought light to the world, some escapism. Also, as the voice for the voiceless children, because I love them. I'm living for the children. If it weren't for the kids, I would throw in the towel. A baby, a child – now, that's amazing. They're little geniuses, you know, little geniuses. They really are."
2002 Gold Magazine

"So I very much identify with anyone who worked as a child. I know how they struggled, I know what they sacrificed. I also know what they learned. I've learned that it becomes more of a challenge as one gets older. I feel old for some reason. I really feel like an old soul, someone who's seen a lot and experienced a lot. Because of all the years I've clocked in, it's hard for me to accept that I am only twenty nine. I've been in the business for twenty four years. Sometimes I feel like I should be near the end of my life, turning eighty, with people patting me on the back. That's what comes from starting so young.
Michael Jackson in "Moonwalk"
Video courtesy of Cherry St. Natis
Artwork by Juliette Plimmer
This beautiful graphic created by Michael's fan Riana from Sydney, Australia